Len's Photography Escapes

Sale Price:$4,950.00 Original Price:$5,950.00

with Len Metcalf

10th - 14th June 2024

24th - 28th June 2024

1st - 5th July 2024

23rd - 27th August 2024

7th - 11th October 2024

11th - 15th November 2024

9th -13th December 2024

AUD $4950 reduced from AUD$5950

Book Now

with Len Metcalf

10th - 14th June 2024

24th - 28th June 2024

1st - 5th July 2024

23rd - 27th August 2024

7th - 11th October 2024

11th - 15th November 2024

9th -13th December 2024

AUD $4950 reduced from AUD$5950

with Len Metcalf

10th - 14th June 2024

24th - 28th June 2024

1st - 5th July 2024

23rd - 27th August 2024

7th - 11th October 2024

11th - 15th November 2024

9th -13th December 2024

AUD $4950 reduced from AUD$5950

Len’s escapes

Len’s Escapes are an idea that brewed during our enforced recent isolation from the world. I desperately need to get out with some others in some beautiful photogenic locations, get inspired and into our photography. I am sure so many of us feel the same way. One of the problems with tours is sorting out the dates verse the locations. I have this week free, but I would rather go there rather than where Len planned, because I have already been there. This is a bit different.

I have dates when I am available to run a trip, a list of places I can confidently guide you so you can take some beautiful photographs. Most of these places I have run tours and workshops in previously. I have identified the ones that I haven’t run an event in previously.

The first person who books on the trip, gets to choose where we are going. You may like to book on for a friend as well, and book the whole trip out. Ideally I would prefer three clients per trip, but am happy to run with two, three or four other photographers. If you are the only one to book into that trip then I am still happy to run it for you.

I can pick you up from Sydney, the nearest major airport or you can self drive.

Ink - multiple exposure photograph that tries to celebrate ink drawings and paintings.

location possibilities

  • Blue Mountains - Upper Mountains (Katoomba, Blackheath etc)*

  • Mount Wilson - needs at least two clients to book*

  • Oberon - formal gardens and iconic Australian landscapes (Mayfield & Glairlock Gardens) - September or November recommended

  • Mudgee - historic old buildings, Hill End, Hargraves & Gulgong, good for night sky photography (note that the area is known for wineries and good food)*

  • Port Stephens - seascapes, sand dunes, forests*

  • Jervis Bay, Vincentia - seascapes, forests, rugged coast and sweeping beaches*

  • South West Rocks - Seascapes, lighthouses, historic jail, riverside and old dairy farming buildings*

  • Narooma - Rugged seascapes (camel rock, horse head rock, etc)*

  • Bermigui - Rugged seascapes and coastal villages

  • Snowy Mountains - great for mist, snow, gum trees and lakes, needs at least two to run*

  • Kiama - Rugged seascapes & rain forest*

  • Central Coast - rugged seascapes and lakes*

  • Dorrigo Rain Forest and/or Coffs Harbour- Lush rain forest and beaches*

  • Carcoar - historic town full of buildings preserved from yesteryear. (a venue I haven’t yet visited)

  • Myall Lakes, sand dunes, lakes, forests and seascapes*

  • Kangaroo Valley, green farm land, forest, cliffs, creeks, dams and waterfalls*

  • Bawley Point, kangaroos on beaches, pebbly beaches, rugged coastline, sweeping sandy beaches, gum forests*

  • The Otways - Lush rainforests, and close to the Great Ocean Road

  • The Victorian High Country - Stay in Bright and explore the mountains

  • Lamington National Park - O’Rielly’s Rainforest Retreat

  • Mt Tomah Botanical Gardens - stay onsight

  • Warrambungles - A dark sky reserve

  • Lithgow - Gardens of Stone National Park, easy access to Portland, Sofala, Kandos and Rylstone

  • Great Ocean Road - Victoria (join this with the Otways for a longer trip)

  • Victorian High Country - Stay in Bright and photograph the souther snowy mts.

NOTE: All locations are known and have been photographed by Len unless stated.

* Indicates locations that Len has run workshops and tours in previously

Destinations will be added when they are booked, if someone has booked the dates, it will appear as unavailable until I update the location and add the other spots back into the trip. This will avoid any double bookings and problems with visiting multiple locations in the same week. Once a location is added that is it for the year. Except for the Blue Mountains, which you know I love and adore.

Autumn and Winter are such a delightful season to be out photographing. These deciduous trees make such beautiful silhouettes.


Len’s passion for creating portraits of trees follows him everywhere. This gorgeous snow gum is in the snowy mountains and is photographed in spring.

a creative retreat, a photography tour, a workshop - Len’s escapes can be any or all…

Many photographers want to emerge themselves with other photographers and really get into creating art. Some people would love to be out photographing all day, and prefer a photography tour. Others would really love to attend a photography workshop, full of learning and growth. Why not combine the best of both worlds. Take photographs when the weather and light is at its best. Use the rest of the time for learning, processing your work, critiquing and getting inspired. With a small group it is very easy to adjust what we are doing at any time to suit the skills, energy, light and weather to best fit with the group. Nothing is set in stone, we carefully follow what suits us best at that very time.

I like to think of these trips as all of the above a retreat, a bit of workshop and a bit of a bit more of a tour.

Imagine being stuck inside listening to a presentation when the light is just perfect outside. I can’t. Best to be flexible and to follow the needs of the group.

For Len the best trip is when we create some beautiful photographs, learn a bit and push ourselves to photograph better, enjoying every moment. Even those around a good meal and a glass or wine. A nap at the right time.

Len will work hard at making the trip just right for you.

colour, monochrome, infrared, abstract, straight, creative?

I love teaching photographers to be individuals. I love teaching photographers techniques and processes that they wish to learn. I will follow your requests and we can spend time with any genre of photography you wish. I encourage all approaches to photography. If you wish to learn monochrome or abstract photograph while you are with me, I happily devote plenty of time to developing your new skills in that area. If you are really interested in a specific genre, please tell us on booking and we can dedicate the week to that genre.

Astro photography is good in winter, and going to dark sky locations is important. Staying up most of the night means not as much can happen during the day. If you would like to do this as your trip, we should consider, south coast nsw, Warambungles, Mudgee or Western NSW.


The plan is to book a lovely house for each trip. Each person or couple gets their own room. A house with multiple bathrooms and room to spread out. Houses will be booked on confirmation of final numbers. In the event a suitable house can not be found, we may turn to a hotel, guest house or motel if we must. As you can understand Len will book on a needs basis, which will result in selecting a venue that is available at the time. If we can’t book a suitable house, we will find a hotel, motel, or retreat suitable for our needs.


Len will spoil you with his home cooking some of the time. Meals will be supplemented by restaurants, coffee shops and even picnics. Len will endeavour to cater to your specific dietary requirements, and will spoil you at every opportunity with healthy sumptuous food. Vegan, vegetarian, gluten free are easily catered for, as are another specific dietary request. We will enjoy a glass or wine at dinner, though alcoholic beverages are not included in the fees for the trip.

Expect to be spoiled with good food and great company.

Dogwoods were found in a formal garden during spring. Imagine a week of flower photography in stunning gardens. Leura, Blackheath, Mount Wilson and Oberon are all famous for their gardens.


4WD or mini van or mini bus depending on numbers

Self drive if preferred

difficulty and pace

Easy and gentle as we expect plenty of time to photograph.

We take our time at locations. We stop so we can really see, and get past our first response to a place.

The difficulty of the trip is always modified to suit group members - it is possible to do physically challenging if required, and is appropriate for the whole group.

We always travel at the speed of the slowest member.

A tour that you book out with one of your friends can be modified to photograph from the vehicle and next to the vehicle, for those that are mobility impaired. Suitable location would need to be negotiated. I have run this particular type of tour extensively in the past for two / three clients over multiple trips.


Your safety always comes first. Len is a qualified outdoor mountain guide. His qualifications extend to advanced wilderness first aid and remedial therapy. Len has been guiding groups in the Australian bush for his whole adult lifetime. You can rest assured you will be in good hands and will be taken care of.

positive encouragement

Len takes extra care to encourage your photography while he is with you. Len is masterful at teaching and encouraging you in a way that makes you feel wonderful. Creativity needs a supportive environment to blossom and develop. One that is nurturing and growth facilitating. Len will help you with any errors or difficulties you may have. He will show you where your strengths are, and encourage you to exploit them in your work. Photographers have found this environment in the past extremely stimulating and have left an event with Len feeling uplifted and motivated to produce more great work. Often photographers turn up to Len’s events seeking a renewed love for photography and their work. Undoubtedly they leave inspired.

group size

These are designed to go ahead with just one booking. So you can easily book a private trip and take the risk that someone else might come too.

Once the first person has booked on, then we advertise and see if anyone else would like to come with you.

1 - 6 clients per escape

1 photography tutor / guide plus 1 other assistant on some escapes

Your trip will go ahead if you are the only person booked on. Bonus gift, of a one on one workshop when this happens.

Abstract flowers are one of Len’s passions, this photograph of wattles and peas is a multiple exposure.


  1. Photography equipment

  2. Laptop or tablet & software for post processing

  3. Travel and medical insurance

  4. Wet weather clothing

  5. Warm clothing for expected temperatures

  6. Sun protection

  7. Medical forms & waiver or liability documentation must be completed prior to departure

  8. Flying in from overseas on interstate? We ask you to arrive a day early in case you get bumped on your flight which is unfortunately so much more common in Australia than it used to be.


  • All transport ex Sydney if required

  • Airport pick up

  • All accommodation

  • Private room

  • Bedding and towels

  • All meals

  • Personal tuition, mentoring on demand on location or at any time required

  • Group tuition, presentations, mentoring as negotiated with participants

  • Post processing help, printing and critiques throughout trip

Len is just as passionate about colour photography as he is about his monochrome photography.


  • Alcoholic beverages

  • Barista coffees

  • Lunches on Monday and Friday if making your own way to the venue

  • Travel too and from Sydney

inspirations and tuition

  • Composition

  • Photography technique

  • Exercises to help seeing

  • Conceptualising projects and photographic series

  • Photography methods


AUD$5550 - five days usually Monday to Friday

$250 non refundable booking fee required to book your place

Further payments are required as accommodation is booked and are also non refundable

Remainder can be paid via direct debit, cheque, cash or via credit card.

Full payment is required eight weeks prior to the workshop commencing.

 By booking you are agreeing to the Len’s School terms and conditions.



“What can I say? Having attended three other photography tours in Morocco, Kerala and Venice, Len provided by far the best. Passionate, patient and approachable.
Len truly is the consummate teacher whose field happens to be photography. His ability to communicate the intricacies of what he considers an art form in an easy manner to his students is exemplary. No experience level is judged, no opposing view is rejected. Your opinion, style and views are nurtured and encouraged.
You not only feel you learn so much about your camera and photography, you come away from the experience having benefited from contact with two outstanding human beings.
Thank you Len..”

— Bruce Allen

“I truly want to thank you. You were so generous with your time, your expertise, with sharing your work and what you think makes a good photo great, and particularly generous with yourself. That might sound a bit strange but you gave so much of yourself on the weekend and I so valued that. It’s a unique experience to be able to feel the energy and the passion that drive a creative talent - and you shared that with us too . . . you were such a fabulous tour leader and looked after us so so so well!!! I never saw you show any sign of anything other than care and concern. Thank you! ”

— Fiona Huddleston

“Thank you, Len. You’ve been the perfect Pied Piper - a mine of information, freely given, a knowen of beautiful places, an unobtrusive and supportive teacher, sensitive to everyone’s needs, one of life’s truly good people. ”

— Sarah Fitzherbert

“ I wanted to thank you for an absolutely fabulous Workshop.

Great workshop leader, great group of people. It was such a pleasure to shoot alongside photographers who were willing to share information, skills, ideas, tips and tricks - and even shooting spaces.

In many ways, it is the dynamics of the group that help make a workshop work so well - and I agree with Thea when she said the nicest of people always do Len’s workshops.

And for me, quite a number, not just one or two, of the building blocks fell into place. It all seems to be coming together and I am really happy with most of the shots that I captured. Roll on the next chunk of building blocks!”

— Pam Handyside

“I was attracted to the Creative Lens Workshop at Myall Lakes because it combined learning about composition and creativity with the opportunity to photograph stark and appealing landscapes (which I find challenging). I arrived at the workshop full of self-doubt about my ability to take good photos. But within a couple of days, with Len’s encouragement to allow my artistic desire and my love of blur and painterly images to take flight, my photos and confidence soared. I learned some valuable technical tips that changed the way I thought about photography and came home with some cracker landscape images that I’m keen to pursue. Thank you Len. A wonderful week. We’ll be back.”

— Jenny Fisher

Click here to read more testimonials.

Sunrise and sunsets are the perfect times to be out on the beach photographing the soft colourful light. This is photographed by painting with the camera with a very long exposure.

All photographs and text copyright © Len Metcalf 2022